I have accomplished nineteen days of bed rest and counting! I was hoping that I could finish the school year and then think about delivering these boys. I went to the doctor on May 7th and Dr. Magee discovered that my cervix length was shorter than expected. I was put on restrictive bed rest effective immediately! Thank goodness I had an urge to really organize my office the day before! Being on bed rest has maintained the length of the cervix and my goal is to keep these babies from meeting anyone until week 36! I am finishing my 29th week, so I think that I can do anything for 6 more weeks!
The pictures of the boys are from May 15th. Baby A is Collin Reed and Baby B is Holden Grey. Dr. Magee was looking at Holden and said he might be the next Brad Pitt...that he looked beautiful! Collin is a little more reserved than his brother, so we did not get as good of a look at him. I know that he is just as handsome as his brother! I am completely in love already and can't wait to kiss all over their sweet faces!